Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Kurt Angle Being Investigated For Illegal Steroids

By MMA News.com

The official Sports Illustrated website has added a story regarding the recent allegation of steroid/HGH sales at the Florida Palm Beach Rejuvenation Center. The story broke last week that a number of professional athletes were listed among the customers in the scandal. In an article today, Sports Illustrated lists former Olympic gold medalist and potential future MMA star Kurt Angle as one of those being investigated. The article states:

"Kurt Angle, a 1996 Olympic gold-medal-winning freestyle wrestler and now a star professional wrestler, received two prescriptions for trenbolone and one for nandrolone between October 2004 and February '05. (Angle did not return messages left with his spokesman.)"

Both of the drugs mentioned above are illegal steroids, and were filled and given to Angle during his stint with World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE).

We'll have more on this story as details surface.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this author is a doucebag. no one give a shit if Diaz smoked a joint.
Since when are steriods not illegal drugs? No one gives a fuck if fighters party and get blasted from time to time. Fans just dont want them cheating aka steriods.