Saturday, March 24, 2007

Marcelo Tigre: “I’ll fight for free”

The beast wants to go to the UFC, Pride or IFL at any cost

The red phone at rings (actually, it’s white), and on the other end is the black belt character Marcelo Tigre (Tiger in Portuguese). The student of Banni Cavalcante born in Rio Grande do Norte living in Brasilia made an appeal. “I wanted to through the site make the following statement: I want to fight!” he said, provoking laughs from the reporter. Marcelo then explains: “Here in the capitol everyone knows me, and come talk to me about MMA and what not. Then they ask me, ‘have you ever fought in the UFC?’ I say no. ‘Pride, then?’ I feel ashamed!”

That is why Tigre, who has nine international fights on his record but is actually coming on 100 fights – a number not even Romário could find a flaw in – intends to forget about being a promoter for awhile. “Here we have structure, support, resources and sponsors to put on events regularly. I could even bring fighters from overseas. But now I want to dedicate myself to training to get back to the ring, and not to organization. If a professional promoter were to agree to work here with the gang, Fight Club would come back at full swing," he explains, who has not had a fight in exactly one year.

So Tigre finishes: “I am even appealing to Renzo, isn’t there a team having something to do with Tigers in the IFL over there? Well then, I will even fight in the USA for free for a team called Pitbulls! I am sure the beat down game there is the same type of thing it is over there, and I want to try it out! I just need an invite…”


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