Saturday, January 27, 2007

"Hearts Of Fire" Press Conference Quotes

Mia St, John (by phone): "I'm excited to fight there (New England) for the first time. Jaime is a great fighter. Both of is come to fight and neither of us have ever ducked anybody:

Jaime Clampitt: "I've been training hard and I'm ready to go. I respect Mia as a fighter and business woman. I switched trainer and I've already learned a lot from Kurt Reader. I'm excited you're coming to Providence, but you better be ready."

Mia St. John: "Women fighters are always in shape. We train on a daily basis and are ready to fight all year round."

Ossie Duran: "I want to thank my coach, Peter Manfredo, for getting me ready, February 9th is going to be a good show and I hope everybody will be there to support us."

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