Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Chute Boxe debuts new Social Project

Photo by Marcelo Alonso

The new academy of the Chute Boxe team, which stays in Industrial neighbourhood, in Curitiba city, will debut this week. The academy will be helding the Social Project of the team, which already has 300 children envolved. “We miss some academy in this place and we also choose that place because the kids there don’t do much things and the neighbourhood also has a big criminality”, said Rudimar Fedrigo, leader of Chute Boxe team.

The academy instructors will be seletioned since the blue belt athletes to the black belts ones. Rudimar is pretty excited with the new project and hopes to help the kid’s education. “I hope to discover a real champion, someone who brings us happiness. Most important than that, we really want to help and support their formation and education. If they get us a champion will be more one great result”, finished Rudimar.
