Wednesday, March 21, 2007

RIP Tanya Vlahac

Received this from Jeff Osborne of HOOKnSHOOT and BODOGFIGHT. Very tragic news for the world of ladies MMA and the world in general....

I just got the call from Peter Tremblay about Tanya Vlahac. She passed away.

I'll say it again, she epitomized the human spirit and 'underdog' in every way. Transforming herself from being overweight into an incredibly gifted athlete.

She represented the MMA women (and always will) like no one else. Instead of taking an easy opponent, she would fight Laura D'Auguste or Judy Neff. She never tapped or quit in any fight and was the first to go the distance with Neff.

Spending quality time with her and Peter when she was last here in Indiana in 2005 was awesome! I got to know both of them as people and friends. It's something I don't normally get to do with the fighters because of the stress level and schedule.

Tanya spoke several languages, was independently wealthy (something she didn't want anyone to know), had multiple degrees in psychology and her pride and joy was teaching the kids class.

She went from being a picture perfect athlete to having cancer almost overnight. It could happen to any of us.

I will miss Tanya more than anyone will ever know. She inspired me on many different levels.

Jeff Osborne


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