Sunday, March 25, 2007

Zuluzinho comments bout at Pride 34

Photo by Eduardo Ferreira

Training with the wrestler Antoine Jaoude in Rio de Janeiro , Zuluzinho talked exclusivelly to site TATAME about the confrontation against the boxer Butterbean at Pride 34, that will be held on April 7th in . “I will face Butterbean at Pride 34. I will stay in Rio de Janeiro training with Antoine until the fight day, I am training hard and Antoine have been killing me during the trainings”, told the son of the legend king Zulú.

The athlete knows the style of his adversary and already studies a strategic with Antoine. “I know he is a boxer and will try to exchange punches with me. We are still studying the fight strategy, but I will probably take this fight to the ground”, said Zuluzinho, who also have been receiving some advises of the Nova União leader André Pederneiras. “I am supporting Zuluzinho at the technician part. He has future and is also a pretty nice guy”, said Dedé.


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